Malba Barahona Durán
Planta Ordinaria
Profesor asociado
Otra información
Malba Barahona es experta en formación de profesores de una segunda lengua. Malba ha investigado cómo las y los profesores de inglés aprenden desde una perspectiva sociocultural incluyendo su identidad, sus creencias, motivaciones, el desarrollo de conocimiento pedagógico, desarrollo de responsabilidad profesional, agentividad y prácticas docentes y el contexto de aprendizaje.
Actualmente, Malba es Profesora Asociada del Departamento de Didáctica de la Facultad de Educación
Grados académicos
Ph.D. in Education. The Australian National University
Magíster en Lingüística, mención Lengua Inglesa. Universidad de Chile
Profesora de Inglés, Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación (Ex Pedagógico)
Áreas de interés
- Formación Inicial Docente de Profesores de Segundas Lenguas; Prácticas esenciales de la enseñanza del inglés como idioma extranjero; Prácticas inclusivas en la enseñanza del inglés; Desarrollo del conocimiento pedagógico del contenido: Desarrollo de agentividad y responsabilidad profesional; Políticas públicas relacionadas con la enseñanza de segundas lenguas y la formación de profesores; perspectica
Investigaciones recientes
Fondecyt Nº 1210867 “Investigating the development of professional pedagogical responsibility of English language student teachers” (2021-2025) Investigadora Responsable.
Fondecyt Nº 1210392 “Analysing the influence of university rankings on institutional practices in chilean higher education” (2021-2024) Co-Investigadora.
Fondecyt Nº 11170340: "Developing and enacting knowledge for teaching English in Chile: a study of pre-service teachers' learning trajectories throughout their progressive practicums" (2017-2020) Investigadora principal
Conicyt-PAI Nº82140007 "Improving Collaboration between schools and universities to support more effectively pre-service teachers´ learning" (2015-2017) Investigadora principal
Selección de Publicaciones
Barahona, M. (2016). English Language Teacher Education in Chile: a Cultural Historical Activity Theory Perspective. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
Arashiro, Z., Barahona, M. (2015). Women in Academia Crossing North–South Borders: Gender, Race, and Displacement. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
Artículos y capítulos de libros
Barahona, M., Glas,K., Pescara,E. (2022) Toward a practice-based approach in initial English language teacher education: exploring the contemporary challenges of EFL teacher educators. In R. Yuan & I. Lee (Eds). Becoming and being a TESOL teacher educator:
Barahona, M., Delaporte-Raurich, C., Ibaceta-Quijanes, X.(2021) “It is impossible to teach English in English”: Preservice teachers’ struggles to facilitate L2 comprehensibility in English. TESOL J. 2021; 12:e578.
Barahona, M., & Davin, K. J. (2021). A practice-based approach to foreign language teacher preparation: A cross-continental collaboration. Profile: Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development, 23(1), 181-196.
Barahona, M. (2020). The potential of translanguaging as a core teaching practice in an EFL context. System, 95, 102368
Barahona, M. (2020). Developing and enacting professional pedagogical responsibility: a CHAT perspective. The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL, (9), 2, 131-152.
Barahona, M., & Ibaceta-Quijanes, X. (2020). Neither Fish nor Fowl: the Contested Identity of Teachers of English in an EFL Context. RELC Journal, 51(3).
Barahona, M., & Benitez, R. (2020). Empowering Student-Teachers to Become Highly Capable English Language Educators. In D. Banegas (Ed.), Content Knowledge in English Language Teacher Education: International Insights.
Barahona, M., & Ibaceta-Quijanes, X. (2019).La enseñanza en equipo como un modelo alternativo en la formación práctica de profesores de inglés: un estudio de caso en Chile. IKALA, 24(3). doi: 10.17533/udea.ikala.v24n03a03
Archanjo, R., Barahona, M., & Finardi, K. R. (2019). Identity of foreign language pre-service teachers to speakers of other languages: Insights from Brazil and Chile. Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal, 1(21), 62-75.
Barahona, M. (2019). What matters to supervisors and is this reflected in what they do? Analysing the work of university supervisors of the practicum. Journal of Education for Teaching,45:3, 262-276, 1-15. doi:10.1080/09589236.2019.1599509
Darwin S. & Barahona, M. (2019) Can an outsider become an insider? Analysing the effect of action research in initial EFL teacher education programs, Educational Action Research, 27:5, 709-725. DOI: 10.1080/09650792.2018.1494616
Barahona, M. (2018). Trends in Teacher Development Programs. The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Barahona, M. (2017). Exploring Models of Team Teaching in Initial Foreign/Second Language Teacher Education: A Study in Situated Collaboration. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 42(12).
Barahona, M. (2016). Challenges and accomplishments of ELT at primary level in Chile: Towards the aspiration of becoming a bilingual country. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 24.
EDU 506 Teaching & Learning Primary I
EDU 507 Teaching & Learning Primary II
EDU 508 Teaching & Learning Secondary I
EIN 1006 Classroom Research
EDU 4030 Prácticas de Investigación